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1120 Jobs thumb thumb thumb thumb
Never send a resume longer than one page unless you're in the entertainment field, or think you are.
Gerry M. Flick, M. D., Ship's Surgeon, S.S. Constitution off Hawaii
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5623 Driving thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
The residents of Montana are the most likely to be killed in a car crash. The residents of Massachusetts are the least likely to die in a car crash.
Jerry Kinsey, Retired, Columbia, Mo., USA
(18) Contributions from this contributor since (2017-03-18)
Current Rating: 5 out of 10 based on 1 reviews
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5622 Climbing thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If you have reached the height where you need to be on a ladder, but feel nervous and uncomfortable...go up one more rung and then step back down. This will help you feel less anxious.
Jerry Kinsey, Retired, Columbia, Mo., USA
(18) Contributions from this contributor since (2017-03-18)
Current Rating: 8.5 out of 10 based on 2 reviews
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5621 Jobs thumb
Shit runs downhill...don't bite your nails...payday is Friday.replica omega
Jerry Kinsey, Retired, Columbia, Mo., USA
(18) Contributions from this contributor since (2017-03-18)
Current Rating: 1 out of 10 based on 1 reviews
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5620 Shopping thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
There are many items that it makes more sense to buy used. This is because people sometimes buy them and rarely use them or because they depreciate very quickly. The list includes: pool tables, treadmills, boats, motorcycles,cars, campers, pianos and other pricey musical instruments....
Jerry Kinsey, Retired, Columbia, Mo., USA
(18) Contributions from this contributor since (2017-03-18)
Current Rating: 7.5 out of 10 based on 2 reviews
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5619 Astronomy thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
In the Northern Hemisphere, if the left side of the moon is dark (makes a "D")the moon is waxing or getting larger every night until it reaches a full moon. If the right side of the moon is dark (makes a "C") the moon is waning or getting smaller until it is a new moon. Hence D O C. In the Southern Hemisphere the opposite is true. Hence C O D.
Jerry Kinsey, Retired, Columbia, Mo., USA
(18) Contributions from this contributor since (2017-03-18)
Current Rating: 9 out of 10 based on 1 reviews
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5618 Religion thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When determining whether strange behavior by a replicas de relojes person is due to mental or other illness or because of demon possession, it is important to remember one thing. There is no such thing as demon possession.replicas relojes breitling
Jerry Kinsey, Retired, Columbia, Mo., USA
(18) Contributions from this contributor since (2017-03-18)
Current Rating: 5.5 out of 10 based on 2 reviews
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5617 Shopping thumb thumb thumb
The chance that the larger size of a product at Walmart is cheaper per ounce than the smaller size is about 50/50.
Jerry Kinsey, Retired, Columbia, Mo., USA
(18) Contributions from this contributor since (2017-03-18)
Current Rating: 3 out of 10 based on 1 reviews
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5616 Automobiles thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When more than one car is coming down an entrance ramp to merge on a four lane highway, the second car will try to pass the lead car as soon as they reach the highway.
Jerry Kinsey, Retired, Columbia, Mo., USA
(18) Contributions from this contributor since (2017-03-18)
Current Rating: 5 out of 10 based on 1 reviews
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