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798 Cattle thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
A hole for a cattle-fence post should be an arm's length deep, plus the length of your fingers.
Adrienne Garreau, farmer
Current Rating: 5.6 out of 10 based on 18 reviews
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5488 Exercise thumb thumb thumb thumb
Instead of stretching on a hard floor or exercise mate on the floor, do your stretches each morning while lying on your bed, a few minutes after you wake up each day. The soft bed will soften the contact points between your body and the surface, making the stretches easier, more beneficial. Doing the stretches in the morning will help you feel much more limber all day long.
Richard Levander, banker/stock market, Pittsburgh, Pa, USA
(2) Contributions from this contributor since (2013-11-07)
Current Rating: 4 out of 10 based on 5 reviews
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5487 Shopping thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When in a "Big Box" store if the help tells you they do not stock the hardware item you are looking for, keep looking. It will in all likelihood be there.
Dean Raffaelli, Physician, Chicago, IL, United States
(2) Contributions from this contributor since (2013-03-16)
Current Rating: 5.2 out of 10 based on 5 reviews
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5486 Computers thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
After you've tried everything you can think of to fix a problem with anything computerized (phone, TV, laptop, etc.), always turn it off and then on again to see if that works before calling tech help. It's always the first thing they ask you, and half the time it fixes whatever is wrong.
Susan Rudolph
(3) Contributions from this contributor since (2013-09-30)
Current Rating: 6.4 out of 10 based on 5 reviews
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5485 Wind thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Put the end of your finger in your mouth to moisten it, then hold it up. You'll feel coolness on the side of your finger that the airflow is coming from.
Susan Rudolph
(3) Contributions from this contributor since (2013-09-30)
Current Rating: 4.7 out of 10 based on 4 reviews
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5484 Time thumb thumb thumb thumb
When you get an e-mail whose subject is "Quick question," assume you will spend at least an hour on that e-mail.
Susan Rudolph
(3) Contributions from this contributor since (2013-09-30)
Current Rating: 3.6 out of 10 based on 5 reviews
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5483 Emotions thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Don't make decisions when you are angry and don't make promises when you are happy.
Dave Agresti, Prof Criminology (retired), Tampa, Florida, United States
(90) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-04-15)
Current Rating: 7.7 out of 10 based on 4 reviews
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5482 Restaurants thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
In any restaurant that serves both, the onion rings are always better than the french fries.
Matthew Butterick, writer
(71) Contributions from this contributor since (2011-01-08)
Current Rating: 6 out of 10 based on 5 reviews
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5481 Dieting thumb thumb thumb thumb
Diet sodas taste better at room temperature.
Matthew Butterick, writer
(71) Contributions from this contributor since (2011-01-08)
Current Rating: 4 out of 10 based on 4 reviews
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