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3315 Energy thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Burning coal gives about 14,000 BTUs per pound.
R. A. Heindl, Design Engineer, Euclid, OH, USA
(EC) Collected by The Editors
Current Rating: 6.1 out of 10 based on 13 reviews
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3316 Injuries thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If you are on the scene of an emergency and need help, point to one specific person and say "You, call 911" (or whatever the number is for emergencies where you are) This gets the invidual involved in a personal way where saying "someone call 911" will not.
Waldo Weyeris, Engineer, Boulder, CO, USA
(48) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-22)
Current Rating: 8.6 out of 10 based on 20 reviews
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3317 Carpentry thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
The depth of a tapped hole should be greater than or equal to the diameter of the screw. Beyond that depth the strength does not increase much.
R. A. Heindl, Design Engineer, Euclid, OH, USA
(EC) Collected by The Editors
Current Rating: 6.4 out of 10 based on 16 reviews
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3318 Body Language thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If you feel you are being watched, position yourself in a way where you can see the "starer" in the corner of your eye and then look at your wrist watch. If they are watching you, then they will most likely look at their wrist watch as well.
Waldo Weyeris, Engineer, Boulder, CO, USA
(48) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-22)
Current Rating: 7.5 out of 10 based on 28 reviews
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3319 Shopping thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Avoid buying bags of frozen vegetables that are a solid lump; they've probably been thawed and refrozen.
R. A. Heindl, Design Engineer, Euclid, OH, USA
(EC) Collected by The Editors
Current Rating: 7.9 out of 10 based on 15 reviews
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3322 Stock thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
If someone tells you "Buy it now! Everyone is buying it like crazy!" Ask them "Who is selling it and why?"
Waldo Weyeris, Engineer, Boulder, CO, USA
(48) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-22)
Current Rating: 6.7 out of 10 based on 14 reviews
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3323 Weather thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
A barometer's reading will drop about an inch for each thousand foot increase in altitude.
R. A. Heindl, Design Engineer, Euclid, OH, USA
(EC) Collected by The Editors
Current Rating: 6.4 out of 10 based on 14 reviews
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3324 Gardening thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When planting tomato seedlings, wait until you have at least two sets of leaves, preferably three or more sets. Remove the bottom set(s) of leaves so that you have only one pair of leaves remaining. Crush some egg shells (1-2 eggs worth) and put them in a hole that is deep enough to plant your seedling to within 1/4 inch of the leaves. The ENTIRE underground part will grow roots and develop a great root structure as a result. The egg shells will promote large fruits.
Waldo Weyeris, Engineer, Boulder, CO, USA
(48) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-22)
Current Rating: 6.0 out of 10 based on 14 reviews
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3325 Jobs thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
When interviewing for a job, take a good look at the cars in the parking lot. If they are all junkers, then they don't pay much. If they are all ritzy, high dollar cars, then they don't pay enough and everyone is in debt. If they are full of Hondas, Toyotas and other "economical cars" then they pay well enough for people to take vacations and have a family life too.
Waldo Weyeris, Engineer, Boulder, CO, USA
(48) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-22)
Current Rating: 6.9 out of 10 based on 18 reviews
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3326 Talking to girls thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
Guys- if you want the girl to be interested, walk up to her and give her a TRUE compliment like "Those are very attractive ear rings" or "That blue sweater really compliments your eyes" and then just walk away. If she is interested, then she will find a way to run into you again later. This lets her know you are interested and gives you both an easy, non-awkward way to seperate if she is not interested. She WILL remember your compliment, though, as long as it was SINCERE. Do not/NOT fake it! (they can tell!)
Waldo Weyeris, Engineer, Boulder, CO, USA
(48) Contributions from this contributor since (2008-01-22)
Current Rating: 6.9 out of 10 based on 22 reviews
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3328 Sports thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb thumb
In deep water, the maximum wave height in feet will be half the wind speed in miles per hour.
R. A. Heindl, Design Engineer, Euclid, OH, USA
(EC) Collected by The Editors
Current Rating: 5.7 out of 10 based on 15 reviews
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